...being involved in pornography, no alcohol related work (such as working in a bar), not being involved in the pork or shrimp (shellfish) industries, not being involved in psychiatry, not working and being bad to people in psychiatric state hospitals or jails or prisons, refusing occupations that harm others, etc.)
6. Right Effort (Striving to be good and compassionate)
7. Right Mindfulness (Awareness of (and living in) the present moment – “When you walk, just walk / when you eat, just eat.”)
8. Good Concentration (Meditation)
Other teachings of Buddhism speak of the “four friends”: loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and peace. In addition, there are hindrances: lust, Ill will, laziness, and worry.
“God has forbidden usury (charging interest).” (Noble Qur’an 2:275)
“The best of ways is the eightfold path. This is the path. If you go on this path, you will make an end of pain.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XLVIII.47)
“He who walks in the noble eightfold path with unswerving determination is sure to reach Nirvana (Nibbana - Bliss/heavenliness).” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XLIX.37)
“Truth teaches us the noble eight-fold path of righteousness, and it is a straight path easily found by the truth-loving. Happy are those who walk in it.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XCIX.31)
“I [Buddha] myself having reached the other shore, help others to cross the stream; I myself having attained salvation, am a savior of others; being comforted, I comfort others.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” LIV.6)
“A monk should exhort the people to walk in the eight-fold path of righteousness; he should comfort them in the difficulties of life and gladden them with the bliss of the fruit of good deeds.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XXXV.4)
“The Blessed One (the Buddha) was proclaiming the bliss of righteousness.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” LXXXI.6)
“Recognize the sweetness of a life of righteousness/goodness.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” LXXXI.10)
“He was the Buddha, the Blessed One, the Holy One, Lord of truth, and teacher of mankind.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XXVII.5)
“He will receive the Buddha, the teacher of truth, the preacher of righteousness, and the peace of Nirvana (Bliss/heavenliness) will enter into his heart.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XXVII.10)
Gotama said “Verily, I will become a Buddha.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” VII. 20) “I will become a Buddha and make all the world shout for joy.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” VII. 24)
Buddhism teaches that hatred, anger, spite, and jealousy can be replaced by love, patience, compassion, generosity, and kindness.
“No matter whether they be Jews, Samaritans, Assyrians, or Greeks, they must tramp down beneath their feet all strife, all discord, jealousy, and hate and demonstrate the brotherhood of man.” (The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ 83:24)
When it comes to theological concepts and theories, Buddhism and Christianity certainly differ. But, when it comes to heart-qualities, ethics, and behavior(the way their followers are to live), they are very similar. Good Question, Good Answer – S. Dhammika
“Generosity brings joy, Honesty brings peace.” – The Buddha
“All the Buddhas are wonderful and glorious as are all the Zoroasters.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” )
There were multiple (more than one) Buddhas, Zoroasters, and Saint Germaines. – (Jon Peniel, The Children of the Law of One and The Lost Teachings of Atlantis)
Peniel means one who has the face of God.
Edgar Cayce prophesied the coming of Jon Peniel years before Peniel’s birth.
“The truth alone can conquer the evils of error.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” I:10) “The truth is wealth and a life of truth is happiness.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” II:8) “Even so, a brother who with firm determination walks in the noble eight-fold path is sure to come forth into the light, sure to reach up to the higher wisdom, and sure to attain the highest bliss of enlightenment.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XLIX.38)
“Neither fire nor wind, birth nor death, can erase your good deeds.” – The Buddha
“Be happy, noble heart, be blessed for all the good you have done and will do hereafter (in the afterlife), and let my gratitude remain in obscurity like your good deeds.” ― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo
“A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.” – The Buddha
“When you come upon a path that brings benefit and happiness to all, follow this course as the moon journeys through the stars.” – The Buddha
“If your compassion (and forgiveness) does not include yourself, it is incomplete.” -- The Buddha
"If you truly loved yourself, you could never hurt another." – Buddha (Bigotry is a form of self-hate.)
The Buddha was clearly opposed to all forms of war. – (“War makes murderers out of decent men.” – Ferencz / “Wars are useless slaughters that bring hell to Earth.” – Pope Benedict XVI)
“The divine religions were founded for the purpose of unifying humanity and establishing universal peace. Any movement which brings about peace, harmony, and agreement in human society is truly a divine movement.” -- ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Baha’i Religion
“Love manifests its reality in deeds, not only in words - these alone are without effect.” ― ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Baha’i Religion
Buddhist Morality
The Five Precepts are the basis of Buddhist morality. The first precept is to avoid killing or harming living beings, the second is to avoid stealing, the third is to avoid sexual misconduct, the fourth is to avoid lying, and the fifth is to avoid alcohol and other intoxicating drugs.
Mohammad asked his companions, “What are your opinions of the merits of that person who drinks liquor/alcohol, commits adultery, and steals? What should his punishment be?” They replied, “God and His messenger know best.” He said, “Verily, these are great sins, and the punishment for them is very dire.” (“The Wisdom of Mohammad / The Sayings of Mohammad”, Saying #388)
Here are some Buddhist quotes from the book “What Buddhists Believe” by K. Sri Dhammananda: (unless otherwise noted)
‘To put an end to all evil; to fulfill all good; and to purify the mind-- this is the advice of all the Buddhas(and all the Zoroasters).’ (Dhammapada 183)
He [Buddha] practiced to perfection the ten supreme qualities of generosity, discipline, renunciation, wisdom, energy, endurance, truthfulness (honesty), determination, goodwill, and equanimity (from the Bhagavad Gita - being at peace and okay with whatever happens). [Try to live these values in your own life yourself.]
The Buddha’s teaching illuminates the way for mankind to cross from a world of darkness, hatred, and suffering to a new world of light, love, and happiness.
The [Buddhist] virtues are generosity, morality, renunciation, wisdom, energy, patience, truthfulness(honesty), determination, loyalty, graciousness, loving-kindness, and even-mindedness. [Strive to live these values in your own life yourself.]
True greatness springs from love, not hatred; from humility, not arrogance; and from compassion, not cruelty.
“A great man shows his greatness by how he treats little men.” (Carlyle as quoted in Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People)
When a murderer, thief, terrorist, drunk(drug user / alcoholic), or adulterer is made to realize that what he had been doing is wrong and gives up his bad, immoral, and harmful way of life, this change can be regarded as a miracle.
“Is it not a wonderful thing, mysterious and miraculous to the worldling, that a man who commits wrong can become a saint, that he who attains to true enlightenment will find the path of truth and abandon the evil ways of selfishness?” (“The Gospel of Buddha” LX.5)
“There is a path that leads him to immortality who has surrendered all selfishness.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” LXXXIV.12)
Be of pure virtue.
“The Buddha, by the exercise of his virtue and by his wisdom, showed his unlimited spiritual power.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XX.28)
The Doctrine of Fundamentalism: To understand the real nature of a religion, one must study and investigate the original(fundamental) teachings of the founder of that religion.
Almost every religion has a founder and sacred texts.
In a sense, as Jesus is to Judaism, so Buddha is to Hinduism. Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of Judaism. In a similar way, Buddha is the ultimate fulfillment of Hinduism. (from www.reluctant-messenger.com) Jesus taught the path of prayer, while Buddha taught the path of meditation.
Every Buddhist is encouraged to restrain from evil and observe morality.
“Those … who restrain anger, and pardon/forgive (all) men will be blessed; for God loves those who do good.” -- (Noble Qur’an 3:134)
Avoid evil and do good.
Think of the welfare of others. Maintain loving-kindness, goodwill, and benevolence which are opposed to hatred, ill-will, and dislike/aversion.
‘Pleasant speech is sweet as honey, truthful (honest) speech is beautiful like a flower, and wrong speech is unwholesome like filth.’
Whatever may be his religion, man’s fate depends entirely on his deeds by body, speech, and thought. It does not matter what religious label he himself holds (whether Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, agnostic, or atheist, etc.), he is bound to be in a happy world in the next life so long as he does good deeds and leads an unblemished life in this life and in heaven. He is bound to be born to lead a wretched life if he commits evil deeds and harbors wicked thoughts in his mind. It is not so much important that you believe in God as that you behave like (and be good like/be as good as) Jesus, Buddha, and/or Mohammad (Peace be upon them).
“It doesn’t matter if you believe in God because God believes in you.” – (Sylvia Browne, The Nature of Good and Evil)
Whatever the religion he professes, man’s karmic thoughts, words, and deeds alone determine his own destiny both in this life and in the next.
Buddha’s disciples were joyful and elated, jubilant and exultant, enjoying the spiritual life, serene, peaceful and living with a gazelle’s mind, happy and light-hearted.
“It is possible for a man to mold his character and destiny through the choice of his actions, speech, and thoughts. The Noble Qur’an emphasizes the formation of one’s character through introspection and molding oneself to the will of God. Nowhere does it enjoin the believer to engage in violence leading to the destruction of fellow human beings.” (The Prophet of Peace)
“The hardest person I’ve ever had to work with is myself.” – Norman Vincent Peale, The Power of Positive Thinking
To understand the real purpose of life, it is advisable for a person to choose and follow an ethical-moral system that restrains a person from evil deeds, encourages him to do good, and enables him to purify his mind. For simplicity, we shall call this system ‘religion’.
Religion has the power to transform one with negative characteristics into someone with positive qualities. It can turn the ignoble, noble; the selfish, unselfish; the arrogant, humble; the greedy, generous; and the cruel, kind.
“The gift of religion/faith exceeds all gifts; the sweetness of religion exceeds all sweetness; the delight in religion exceeds all delights.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XLVIII.49)
Religion is one important vehicle by which spiritual and inspirational values are brought forth to men. – Hadar
Some people believe that philosophy is meaningless and pointless. And, while there are philosophies that are meaningless and pointless (e.g. “hairsplitting”), actually, what philosophy you choose to live by is one of the most important decisions you can make in your life. It can make a huge difference in your life.
The right-hand path religions can be thought of as ‘perfected philosophies’ or ‘philosophies of perfection’. They aren’t ‘pie in the sky spiritual pipe dreams’ but a way of life that leads to happiness on Earth as well as in heaven. They are philosophies to live by. - Hadar
“If you are evolving into a more loving, more compassionate, less violent person, then you are moving in the right direction.” (Brian Weiss, MD, Messages From the Masters)
“Then we put you on the (right) Way of Religion.” (Noble Qur’an 45:18)
“…as to those who believed and did righteous deeds, their Lord will admit them to His mercy…” (Noble Qur’an 45:30)
As a man’s wisdom grows, so will his love, compassion, kindness, and joy.
Live a faultless and a pure life without committing evil in thought, word, or deed.
To avoid evil, to do good, to purify the mind-- This is the advice given by all the Buddhas and all the Zoroasters.
All those actions which are rooted in the virtues of generosity, love, and wisdom are meritorious. The criteria of good and bad apply whether the actions are of thought, word, or deed.
“He [God] will grant you a Criterion (to judge between right and wrong), remove you from (all) evil (that may afflict) you, and forgive you…” (Noble Qur’an 8:29)
Be honest, kind, and harmless.
Characteristics of a Buddhist monk: [He has] purity, humility, simplicity, selfless service, self-control, patience, compassion, and harmlessness. [Strive to live these values yourself.] He practices celibacy, voluntary poverty, and abstains from stealing and murder.
The Buddha taught meritorious deeds for us to perform in order to gain a happy and peaceful life as well as to develop knowledge and understanding. These are:
1. Charity (Generosity / Giving)
2. Morality (Goodness)
3. Mental culture (Keeping your mind free from hatred, lust, arrogance, etc.)
4. Reverence or respect (reverence and respect for others)
5. Service in helping others (Good works)
6. Sharing with others (Giving / Generosity)
Should a person perform good, he should do it again and again; he should find pleasure therein; for blissful is the accumulation of good.
Do not do the following:
1. Killing of living beings
2. Stealing
3. Unlawful/illicit sexual intercourse
Three bad deeds are:
1. Covetousness
2. Ill-will
3. Wrong views
A good Buddhist should remind himself to follow the Five Precepts daily. They are to avoid:
1. Killing (and/or harming) living creatures/beings
2. Taking what is not given (stealing)
3. Sexual misconduct (lust and illicit sex)
4. False speech (lying)
5. Taking intoxicating drugs or liquor/alcohol
“Abstain from killing and from taking what is not given (stealing). Abstain from unchastity and from speaking falsely. Do not do these even in exchange for silver or gold.” (Buddha –Khuddakapatha 2)
“Stealing, deceiving, adultery; this is defilement. Not the eating of meat.” (Buddha – Sutta Nipata 242)
The five qualities to cultivate are: loving-kindness, renunciation, contentment, truthfulness(honesty), and mindfulness(awareness of (and living in) the present moment).
Loving-Kindness: What is lacking in the world today is loving-kindness or goodwill.
In the world today, there is sufficient material wealth. There are very advanced intellectuals, brilliant writers, talented speakers, actors, directors, musicians, athletes, artists, dancers, intelligent philosophers, psychologists, businessmen, analysts, economists, teachers, professors, journalists, scientists, mathematicians, engineers, computer scientists, I. T. (Information Technology) professionals, computer programmers, web designers/web developers, religious advisors, creative entrepreneurs, wonderful poets, and powerful world leaders. In spite of these, there is no real peace and security in the world today. Something must be lacking. What is lacking is loving-kindness and goodwill among mankind.
There is enough food production capability in the United States’ Midwest “Bread Basket” (corn belt) to feed all of the Americas and the whole world. There is enough food production capability in the Ukraine to feed all of Asia and the whole world. There is enough food production capability in the Congo to feed all of Africa and the rest of the world. What we have today is not a food production capability deficit- what we have is a food deficit and a love deficit.
Metta (Desire for others’ happiness / Loving-Kindness / Goodwill) – loving-kindness is the most effective method to purify the mind. “That which is most needed is a loving heart.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XXV.18)
“Our world’s current state is lacking love. Violence, war, hunger, hate crimes, etc. – what could solve all of this? Love. True, uncomplicated and wholehearted love. Full of positive energy, motivated by the desire to be kind and giving – love.” (Betty Eadie, The Ripple Effect – Our Harvest)
“And let this be your salutation everywhere, peace be to all; good will to all.”(The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ 133:12)
“Regard your people as men do an only son. Do not oppress them, do not destroy them. Forsake unrighteous doctrine and walk in the straight path (the ‘middle path’ / the ‘eightfold path’). Don’t exalt yourself by trampling down others, but comfort and befriend the suffering.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XXV.19)
“Our people have exalted sacrificial rites and have neglected mercy, justice, and the rights of men.” (The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ 121:18)
“Bring unto God as sacrifice a broken and contrite heart.” (The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ 121:22)
“I teach the non-doing of such actions as are unrighteous, either by deed, or by word, or by thought. I teach the doing of such actions as are righteous by deed, by word, and by thought. I teach bringing about good and not evil.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” LI.10)
“I proclaim the annihilation of lust, of ill-will. I do not proclaim the annihilation of forbearance (long-suffering), of love, of charity, or of truth.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” LI.12)
“I deem, Simha, unrighteous actions contemptible, whether they are performed by deed, or by word, or by thought; but I deem virtue and righteousness praiseworthy.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” LI.13)
Love is an active force. Every act of the loving one is done with the stainless mind to help, to cheer, and to make the paths of others easier and happier.
Real Charity: You perform real charity if you can give freely without expecting anything in return.
There are many things which a person can give. He can give material things: food for the hungry, and money and clothes to the poor. He can also give his knowledge, skill, time, energy, and/or effort to projects that can benefit others. He can provide a sympathetic ear and good counsel to a friend in trouble.
When a person receives Dhamma (Dharma) with a pure mind and practices the truth with earnestness, he cannot fail to change. He will experience greater happiness, peace, and joy in his heart and mind. If he was once cruel, he becomes compassionate. If he was once revengeful, he becomes forgiving. Through Dhamma, the hateful become more compassionate, the greedy more generous, and the restless more serene.
“And the Buddha began to expound the Dhamma. The Dhamma (Dharma) is the truth. The Dhamma is the sacred law. The Dhamma is religion. The Dhamma (Dharma) can deliver us from error, from wrong, and from sorrow.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XII.6)
“Let a man’s pleasure be the Dharma (Dhamma) (or the laws of Moses or the teachings of Jesus (and of the Holy Bible) or the teachings of the Noble Qur’an), let him delight in the Dharma, let him stand fast in the Dharma, let him know how to inquire into the Dharma, let him not raise any dispute (argument) that pollutes the Dharma, and let him spend his time pondering on the well-spoken truths of the Dharma (Dhamma).” (“The Gospel of Buddha” LIX.11)
“Teach the Dharma (Dhamma) which is lovely at the beginning, lovely in the middle, and lovely at the end. Explain with the spirit and the letter. In this way, you will be completely fulfilled and wholly pure.” (Buddha – Vinaya Mahavagga I.II.I)
Buddhists are encouraged to love all living beings and not to restrict their love only to human beings. Animals also have emotions, such as fear, love, sadness, happiness, pleasure, and pain, as do human beings. They need and deserve our sympathy and our love (to be loved) as well. (Holy Bible - Proverbs 12:10)
If a person foolishly does me wrong, I will return to him the protection of my boundless love. The more evil that comes from him, the more good will go from me. I will always give off only the fragrance of goodness. – Buddha (Be the same way yourself.)
There is a story of the Buddha’s incredible love for others. A man was once determined to make the Buddha angry and prove the Buddha’s imperfection. He came to the Buddha and began bitterly hurling out insults and put-downs on him. The Buddha (without anger) replied to him, “Let me ask you a question, if one man offers another a gift and the other doesn’t accept it, then to whom does it belong?” The man replied “To the giver.” Then the Buddha said “That is correct. Then, if you come here and offer your insults to me and I choose not to accept them, then to whom do they belong?” The man went away stunned. In the same way, if someone puts you down, ”Be a Buddha.”
“Repay his [anybody’s] injury [toward you] with kindness.” (Living the Wisdom of the Tao, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer)
In fact, today intolerance is still practiced in the name of religion. Some people merely talk of religion which promises to provide short cuts to paradise (Religion as “fire insurance”—keeping you out of the fires of hell), but they are not interested in practicing the true, fundamental teachings of the religions. If Christians live by the Sermon on the Mount and the teachings of Jesus of loving others, if Buddhists follow the Noble Eightfold path, and if Muslims really follow the concept of the universal brotherhood (and oneness) of man, there will definitely be peace and harmony in the world.
Buddhism is a gentle religion where equality, justice, and peace reign supreme.
To the Buddhists, sin is unskillful or unwholesome action.
The world can be made a place where we can attain the highest perfection. And ethical/moral perfection is synonymous with happiness. “Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father (God) is perfect [in love].” (Holy Bible - Matthew 5:48)
Unfortunately, many men are cruel, cunning, wicked, ungrateful, and unscrupulous.
The Buddha helped people with his acts of wisdom and compassion.
We need to purify the three faculties: thought, word, and deed.
“The law of spirit calls for purity in thought, and word, and deed.” (The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ 126:19)
Meditation is the remedy for many physical and mental sicknesses. “Meditate on the Buddha (or on Jesus) and weigh His righteous law.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XXV.21)
Ultimately, we will be able to attain our salvation and find peace and happiness.
We spend a lot of our time on our body: to feed it, to clothe it, to cleanse it, to wash it, to beautify it, to relax it, but how much time do we spend on our mind for the same purposes?
May my mind be so cleansed and strengthened
That it may respond to the great Mind of the universe.
May my heart be in tune with the Heart of the universe.
May Your power and glory be manifest in my life.
May Your grace surround me and inspire me in all my actions.
May I be shielded from all pettiness
And made worthy of Your love and blessing.
“The worldling nourishes his body, but the wise man nourishes his mind. (For example, reading spiritual literature like this book.)” (“The Gospel of Buddha” LXX.4)
Meditation strengthens the mind to control human emotion when it is disturbed by negative thoughts and feelings such as jealousy, hatred, arrogance, lust, and envy.
Put aside thoughts of strife and think of peace, serenity, calmness, and tranquility.
Equanimity means to ‘Let go and let God.’
“…the Buddha, whose doctrine gave him peace of mind and comfort in the hour of afflictions.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XLII.1)
“Surrender the grasping disposition of selfishness, and you will attain to that calm state of mind which conveys perfect peace, goodness, and wisdom.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XX.18)
A man makes himself impure by bigotry, deceit, envy, self-exaltation (showing off), disparagement (putting others down), and other evil intentions.
“Hatred, drunkenness, stubbornness, bigotry, deception, envy, self-praise, disparaging others, arrogance, and other evil intentions [are bad].” Do not do these. (“The Gospel of Buddha” XVI:8)
The 10 rules for Good Government (and a good life):
1. Be generous and avoid selfishness.
2. Maintain a high moral character.
3. Be prepared to sacrifice one’s own pleasure for the
well-being of the subjects (and of others).
4. Be honest and maintain absolute integrity.
5. Be kind and gentle.
6. Lead a simple life for the subjects (and others) to emulate.
7. Be free from hatred of any kind.
8. Exercise non-violence.
9. Practice patience.
10. Respect public opinion to promote peace and harmony.
Buddha promoted honesty, truthfulness, compassion, benevolence, non-violence, considerate behavior towards all, non-extravagance(not showing off), non-acquisitiveness(no greed), and non-injury to animals. [“Strive to live these values yourself.”]
“The Enlightened One is wise, upright, happy, world-knowing, supreme, the bridler of men’s wayward hearts, the teacher of ‘gods’ and men, the blessed Buddha.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XCI.7)
“We must learn traits and qualities such as love, non-violence, compassion, charity, faith, hope, forgiveness, understanding, and awareness. We must unlearn negative traits and qualities, including fear, anger, hatred, violence, greed, arrogance, lust, selfishness, and prejudice.” (Brian Weiss, M.D., “Messages from the Masters”)
“…believing in the efficacy of a union among those men and women eager to walk the noble eightfold path (the ‘middle path’); believing this “church” of the Buddha, of the righteous, the upright, the just, the law-abiding, to be worthy of honor, of hospitality, of prayers, of gifts, and of reverence.”
Committing suicide: Taking one’s own life under any circumstances is both morally and spiritually wrong.
A religion of wisdom is based on the application of reason and seeks to understand life and the reality of worldly conditions through analytical knowledge. “If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism.” – Albert Einstein
Martin Luther King called Buddhism the “Vietnamese Church.” (Buddhism is practiced in much of Asia outside of Vietnam as well.)
“God has not created anything better than Reason, or anything more perfect, or more beautiful than reason; the benefits which God gives are on its account; and understanding is by it, and God’s wrath is caused by disregard of it.” (“The Wisdom of Mohammad / The Sayings of Mohammad”, Saying #372)
Harmlessness and goodwill are common elements found in religion. A religion of peace is based on the principle of causing no harm. A religion of goodwill or loving-kindness is based on the sacrifice and service for the welfare and happiness of others.
A religion should be practiced for the welfare, freedom, and happiness of all living beings.
Religious precepts have been introduced by enlightened religious teachers (such as Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, Moses, Saint Paul, Saint Peter, Saint Francis, Saint John, Saint James, Saint Germaine, etc.) who have realized the noble way of life which leads to peace and happiness.
Before one criticizes a religion, one must study and investigate the original teachings of the founder and see if there is anything intrinsically wrong with them.
Religion advises people to both do good and be good.
Practicing a religion is nothing more than the development of one’s inner awareness, goodwill, and understanding.
Buddhism inculcated an ethical-moral cooperation for universal good.
Virtue must be combined with wisdom.
Religion must stand for universal peace and universal brotherhood.
The path of real purification is through love and understanding.
“Go forth, O Bhikkhus (monks), for the good of the many, for the happiness of the many, out of compassion for the world, for the good, benefit, and happiness of all men.” “In order that it may continue for the good and happiness of the great multitudes, out of pity for the world, and to the good and gain of all living beings.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XCIV.14)
“Walk, monks (Bhikkhus), throughout the land for the blessing of the people and out of compassion for the world.” (Buddha – Vinaya Mahavagga I.II.I)
“…for the world, and for the good and gain of mankind.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XCIV.4)
“So long as their elders practice justice; so long as the brethren esteem, revere and support their elders, and hearken unto their words; so long as the brethren are not under the influence of craving, but delight in the blessings of religion, so that good and holy men shall come to them, so long as the brethren are not lazy, so long as they shall exercise themselves in the sevenfold higher wisdom of mental activity: search after truth, energy, joy, modesty, self-control, earnest contemplation, and equanimity of mind (Being okay and at peace no matter what happens), so long the Sangha(the organization of monks) may be expected not to decline, but to prosper.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” LXXXVIII.8)
The Buddha’s message of love and compassion opened the hearts of men and they willingly accepted His teachings, thereby helping Buddhism to become a major world philosophy/religion.
If you treat the world (people) kindly, the world (people) will treat you kindly in return.
Much of the history of mankind is a continuous manifestation of man’s greed, hatred, arrogance, jealousy, selfishness, and delusion. Do not practice these. “Righteousness can be practiced only when we have freed our mind from selfishness.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XII.20)
A man should uphold the ethical teachings of the religious teachers and founders and display justice with morality to enable peace to prevail.
Practice love, goodwill, and tolerance towards others.
“Open your mind to the truth. Practice righteousness, and you will find eternal bliss.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XXVIII.8)
“Man’s true self is eternal, yet he thinks, I am this body and will soon die.” (Living the Wisdom of the Tao, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer)
Wealth cannot secure happiness. Religion (spirituality and goodness) alone can. (He who struggles in the interest of self, so that he himself may be great or powerful or rich or famous, will have no reward, but he who struggles for righteousness and truth will have a great reward for even his defeat will be a victory.) (“The Gospel of Buddha” LI.19)
“Riches are not from abundance of worldly goods but from a contented mind.” (“The Wisdom of Mohammad / The Sayings of Mohammad”, Saying #69)
“Worldly profit is fleeting and perishable, but religious profit is eternal and inexhaustible. A worldly man, though a king, is full of trouble, but even a common man who is holy has peace of mind.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XXV:13)
The Buddha teaches infinite love, kindness, and compassion.
Do not do injury to any living being but be just, filled with love and kindness.
He whose intentions are righteousness and justice will meet with no failures.
Those who wish for happiness.
“Let us, then, go out into the world, as compassionate and as merciful as our great master, and preach to all living beings (to all mankind) the four noble truths and the eightfold path of righteousness, so that all mankind may attain to a final salvation, taking refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma (the teaching), and the Sangha(the community of monks).” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XCVII.36)
Struggle courageously and wisely.
The weapon for self-protection is loving-kindness.
The purpose of a religion is to cultivate the life of goodness and goodwill here in this world and hereafter (in the afterlife) until liberation is gained.
The wise man makes his own heaven while the foolish man creates his own hell here and hereafter (in the afterlife).
According to Buddhism, good deeds bring happiness to the doer both in this world and in the hereafter (in the afterlife).
“Our great Master used to say to the brethren: ‘O Bhikkhus (monks)! After my final entrance into Nirvana (Nibbana - bliss/heavenliness), you must revere and obey the teaching/the law (the Dharma). Regard it as your master. The Teaching/Law is like unto a light that shines in the darkness; it is also like unto a precious jewel (a pearl of great price)’.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XCVIII.3)
These teachings are like a precious jewel that you should cling to.
“And the lord said: ‘[after I die,] it may be that you will think: The Teacher’s instruction has ceased, now we will have no teacher!’ It should not be seen like this for what I have taught and explained to you will, at my passing, be your teacher.” (Buddha - Digha Nikaya 16.6.1)
The acts of merit can be performed through goodness in body(actions/deeds), speech(words), and/or mind(thought).
“The truth is omnipresent (everywhere) and eternal- endowed with excellencies innumerable, above all human nature, ineffable (inexpressible) in its holiness.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XCVIII.10)
“The truth is not arbitrary nor a matter of opinion, but can be investigated, and he who searches for the truth will find it.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XCVIII.13)
“The truth is Buddha’s essence, and the truth will remain the ultimate standard by which we can discern false and true doctrines.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XCVIII.14)
“I am the way, the truth, and the life.” – (Jesus, Holy Bible - John 14:6)
“Jesus spoke unto them saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.’” (Holy Bible - John 8:12)
“Buddha is the all-excellent truth, eternal, omnipresent (everywhere), and immutable (unchanging).” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XCVIII.19)
“The Buddha is the all-blessed dispensation of religion. He is the spirit of the Sangha (the community of monks) and the meaning of the commands which he left us in his sacred word, the Dharma (the teaching). This is the most excellent law.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XCVIII.21)
Those who did not harm others and who performed many good deeds during their lifetime will certainly have the chance to be reborn in a happy place.
The meritorious deeds include things such as giving alms to others, to orphanages, printing religious books for free distribution, and similar charitable deeds.
“Buddha taught righteousness and thus changed rational creatures into humane beings, just, kind-hearted, and faithful. And now, at last, was found a place where the truth might abide in all its glory, and this place is in the hearts of mankind.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XCIX.5)
“…And this I know, because the Lord has said he dwells not in unholy temples, but in the hearts of the righteous does he dwell.” (Book of Mormon, Alma 34:36)
“…to sincerity of intent, to high purpose, to purity and spotless honor, to surpassing kindness and compassion, to the keeping of their covenants when they have covenanted, to concern for the rights of others, to liberality(generosity), to justice in every aspect of life, to humanity and philanthropy, to valor and to unflagging efforts in the service of mankind.” [May we strive to do all these.] – ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Baha’i faith
Love is the joy of the good, the wonder of the wise, the amazement of the ‘gods’. – Plato
Always be kind. – Plato
The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself. (for example, controlling your temper and avoiding other sins.)
“Great is a successful general, but he who has conquered self is the greater victor.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” LI.25)
“The doctrine of the conquest of self is not taught to destroy the souls of men, but to preserve them. He who has conquered self (i.e. conquered his hatred/wrath, arrogance, and lust) is more fit to live, to be successful, and to gain victories than he who is a slave of selfish self.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” LI.26)
“[Practice] self-control, righteousness, and kindness.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XXII.12)
Judaism is the fore-runner of Christianity and Islam – it is their foundation. It is the oldest monotheistic (one God) religion in the world. Its holy scripture is the old testament of the Holy Bible - The Hebrew Bible (called the ‘TaNaKh’ (in Hebrew) which stands for Torah (God’s law – The “Books of Moses”), Nevi’im (Prophets), and Ketuvim (writings – such as Psalms and Proverbs)). Those who practice Judaism are called Jews. Judaism teaches to love your brother / fellow man (that is, everyone, “love your neighbor”, Holy Bible - Deuteronomy 18:19). It also preaches the ways of life advocated and taught in the Torah (The Torah is the Pentateuch – The “Books of Moses” - the first 5 books of the Holy Bible: Genesis through Deuteronomy). The different religions have different approaches to teaching the path of love. Judaism, for example, is the most left-brained (logical/rational) approach of the religions, while Taoism is the most right-brained (intuitive/emotional) approach.
Don’t Lie (Be Honest)
Never lie! The Holy Bible says to never lie (Holy Bible - Leviticus 19:11, and Holy Bible - Deuteronomy 5:20, and Holy Bible - Proverbs 12:17, and Holy Bible - Proverbs 14:5). God will punish those who lie, so always be honest. This will make for a happy, good life for you. (Author’s note: it has been a long time / months since I last told a lie. You should try to be honest, too.). There are rare exceptions to this rule such as if you are harboring Jews in Nazi Germany, for example. In that case, lying and denying you are doing it is the right thing to do.
“His life among his fellow men must be one of total honesty. He must fulfill others’ needs, living among people in such a way that his actions are of benefit to all. He must be a giver and not a taker. His character should reflect modesty, not arrogance. He should not allow himself to react to provocation, but should rather tread the path of patience and avoidance of conflict. He must be conscious that others have a share in his time and in his earnings. In short, the Noble Qur’an’s desire for man is to make him a complex-free soul or a soul at peace.” (Noble Qur’an 89:27)
“Honesty is the best policy.”
“An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.” (Holy Bible - Proverbs 24:26)
“We wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things.” (Holy Bible – Hebrews 13:18)
“Replace error with truth.” (The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ)
“He is not of me who, when he speaks, speaks falsely; who, when he promises, breaks his promises; and who, when trust is reposed in him, fails in his trust.” (“The Wisdom of Mohammad / The Sayings of Mohammad”, Saying #400)
“No man is true in the truest sense of the word but he who is true in word, in deed, and in thought.” (“The Wisdom of Mohammad / The Sayings of Mohammad”, Saying #401)
“It is not worthy of a speaker of truth to curse people.” (“The Wisdom of Mohammad / The Sayings of Mohammad”, Saying #403)
“Now those priests who did go forth among the people did preach against all lyings, and deceivings, and envyings, and strifes, and malice, and revilings, and stealing, robbing, plundering, murdering, committing adultery, and all manner of lasciviousness, crying that these things ought not so to be…” (Book of Mormon, Alma 16:18)
“Appropriate to yourselves the truth. Avoid lying.” (“The Wisdom of Mohammad / The Sayings of Mohammad”, Saying #404)
Don’t Gossip
It is not good to gossip. Gossip can destroy friendships and create distrust(Holy Bible - Proverbs 16:28 and Holy Bible - Proverbs 11:13). “Refuse to gossip, lie, or hate other people.”
Don’t Rob Anyone
Don’t steal or take what doesn’t belong to you. (Holy Bible - Leviticus 19:13 and Holy Bible - Exodus 20:15) “An ordained disciple must not take except what has been given to him. The disciple who takes(steals), be it as little as a penny’s worth, without permission, is no longer a true disciple of the Buddha.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XLII.8)
Don’t Cheat
Never cheat another human being. Let all of your business be above-board. Never take credit for someone else’s work(unless you have their permission to do so).
Charging interest (usury) is wrong. “The taker of usury and the giver of it, and the writer of its papers and the witness to it, are equal in crime.” (Holy Bible – Leviticus 25:36 & Noble Qur’an 2:275) Also, do not co-sign on a loan. (Holy Bible – Proverbs 11:15)
Take (at least) One Day Off of Work a Week
Take at least one day off of work a week (The “Sabbath”) , and give your employees at least one day off of work a week (Holy Bible – Exodus 31:15 and Holy Bible – Leviticus 23:3). During this one day, pursue spiritual interests such as reading spiritual and/or religious writings or meditation and/or praying. Also, use this day for rest and relaxation. If you don’t do this (take the day off), you will run yourself ragged and burn yourself out. Use this day to “recharge your batteries”.
“Faith only”
There is an approach to religion that some people have which is called “faith only”. The idea is that two men could be almost identical in their lives. They live as neighbors and they behave nearly identically. They have a similar family, similar job, similar house, live the same, think almost the same, etc. and act the same. One of them “has faith” while the other doesn’t – and, therefore, will go to heaven while the other does not. I do not agree with this approach. A true “faith” should result in kinder behavior, good deeds, and works of faith.
Don’t Murder
Never murder another human being. (Holy Bible - Matthew 5:21, Holy Bible - Exodus 20:13, and Holy Bible - Deuteronomy 5:17) According to Jesus, being angry without a good, just, righteous cause is bad like murder. (Holy Bible - Matthew 5:21-22)
“Overcome anger by love.” – Buddha
“Abandoning the taking of life, the ascetic Gautama (Buddha) dwells refraining from taking life, without stick or sword.” (Buddha - Digha Nikaya 1.1.8)
A thought of hatred must be destroyed by a more powerful thought of love. -- ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Baha’i Religion
Don’t Lust
Never commit adultery. Jesus equated staring at a woman lustfully as committing adultery with her in your heart. “Better far with red-hot irons bore out your eyes, than encourage in yourself lust.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XXXIII:12)
“If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away.” (Holy Bible - Matthew 5:29 and Holy Bible - Matthew 18:9)
“Modesty and chastity are parts of the faith.” (“The Wisdom of Mohammad / The Sayings of Mohammad”, Saying #55)
“The wise man should avoid promiscuity as if it were a burning charcoal pit. … Let him not transgress with another’s wife.” (Buddha – Sutta Nipata 396)
Don’t Play Mind Games
Don’t play mind games with people. Playing mind games is a transgression of the Golden Rule and Silver Rule and will make you unhappy. It is a form of dishonesty and manipulation.
Be Kind and Compassionate
Always be good and treat people well. Jesus said, “If someone hits you on one cheek, turn to him the other cheek” and “love your enemies.” (Holy Bible - Matthew 5:39, and Holy Bible - Luke 6:29) Always have brotherly love for others. This is what is meant by the Greek word “Agape”. Saint Paul advocated “Agape” in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. Agape is an intense, intense form of brotherly love and goodness for others. Agape also refers to the paternal love of God for man and filial love of man for God and is extended to include a brotherly love for all humanity. Confucius called this love ‘Jen’ (humaneness), and Buddha called it ‘Metta’ (Loving Kindness), while the Jewish Old Testament called it “Ahava” (love).
“Just as a mother would protect her only child at the risk of her own life, even so, cultivate a boundless heart towards all living beings. Let your thoughts of boundless love pervade the whole world.” (Buddha – Sutta Nipata 149-150)
"Love your brother as you love yourself." – Islam
“Come now and make peace, and let us be brothers.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” LI.24)
Holy Bible - John 15:12 : This is my commandment, that you love one another, even as I have loved you.
Holy Bible - John 15:17 : These things I command you, that you may love one another.
“You are the Christ, the love of God made manifest to men.” (The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ 128:31)
Proof of God: The Argument from Design
“He [God] created the Heavens without any pillars that you can see; He set on the Earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you; and He scattered through it animals of all kinds. We send down rain from the sky, and produce on the Earth every kind of noble creature, in pairs (male and female).” (Noble Qur’an 31:10)
Creation vs. Evolution:
The way of nature is divinely guided evolution. That is, both creation and evolution. Creation through evolution.
Be Patient
Patience is a virtue. It is foolish to be hot-tempered and easily angered. (Holy Bible - Proverbs 15:18, and Holy Bible - Proverbs 29:22) “The robe of the Buddha is sublime forbearance (long-suffering) and patience. The abode of the Buddha is charity and love of all fellow living beings. The pulpit of the Buddha is the comprehension and practice of the good law.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XLVII.3) “Keeping in mind a single sentence of the good law, persons may be converted to the truth and enter the path of righteousness which leads to deliverance from evil.” (“The Gospel of Buddha” XLVII.12)
“Learn that success goes with patience.” (The Prophet of Peace)
“The way of undiluted, unilateral patience and benevolence adopted by the Prophet (Mohammad) was intended to prevent feelings of hatred and grievance from finding a place in his and his companions’ hearts. A mind harboring hatred and grievance/vengeance (retribution) is not competent to carry out the task of reform.” (The Prophet of Peace)
“Patience is a virtue,
virtue is a grace,
those who do possess it,
wear a happy face.”
Be Generous
“Give to those who ask you for something that you have and don’t/never turn away from those who want to borrow (or get) something that you have from you.” (Holy Bible - Matthew 5:42) “Don’t demand back what someone takes from you.” (Holy Bible - Luke 6:30) Don’t get angry with someone who takes something from you. “Refuse not him who calls for help, and give to him who asks to borrow.” (The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ 97:20) If someone takes something that belongs to you, don’t demand it back. (Holy Bible - Luke 6:30) Give to the poor, and help the needy (Holy Bible - Matthew 19:21 and Holy Bible – Luke 12:33).
“...orphans and the needy, give them something and speak kindly to them. And those who are concerned about the welfare of their own children after their death, should have fear of God [Treat other people's Orphans justly] and guide them properly.” — Noble Qur’an ( Surah 4 , "The Women," vv. 8-9)
“The Secret to living is giving.” – Tony Robbins
“God likes generosity and forgiveness, and dislikes an ill temper and jealousy.” – The Prophet Mohammad
Be Virtuous
It is important to live all the good virtues that we and the great religions of the world espouse. Strive to live the values in this book. In a sense, the different religions are like different paths up the same mountain. When you get near the top of the mountain,
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The preceding is an excerpt from the book “Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, Socrates: The True Religion of Love”. The point of the book is to teach you the best way to live for happiness and success as described in the teachings of the world’s great religions/philosophies. You could spend years of your life going around in life not knowing what to do to become happy and successful or you could follow the teachings in this book. I have written this book to enlighten people, and the actual book contains much more stuff not available on this website. Do you want to have more happiness, peace, love, joy and success in your life? It’s possible – through the teachings of the great religions of the world – the greatest teachings of all time. This book teaches these teachings. It teaches the following:
· How to have more happiness, success, peace, love, and joy in your life through the “Golden Rule” and other teachings of the world’s great religions and their founders.
· How to have better relationships and friendships through love, kindness, and compassion.
· How to have more enthusiasm and zest in your life.
· The secret of happiness as taught by the great founders of the world’s great religions.
· How to attain success in life (and success in your endeavors).
· How to attain financial success and abundance through generosity and diligence.
· How to do what you love and pursue your calling / passion / mission / life’s purpose.
· How to treat people so that you will receive happiness and love, make good friends, and have goodness returned unto you.
· How to live so that you will go to heaven in the afterlife.
· What is the best diet and what to eat and what not to eat for health and energy.
· The Truth about Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the Merovingian Bloodline.
· The Truth about where philosophy, spirituality, and religion intersect.
· How to live the examples of great men such as Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, Socrates, Zoroaster, and others.
· Important distilled teachings of spiritual books like The Book of Mormon, The Holy Bible, and the Noble Qur’an (Koran) on how to attain happiness, success, and prosperity in life.
· The Truth about Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha and Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism.
· The Secret of Happiness.
· The similarities of the world’s great religions – the greatest teachings in the world – teachings of such religions as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and other religions on how to become happy and successful.
And much more.
This book is truly phenomenal! It is one of the best books you will ever read, because it is one of the best books of its kind to lead you to happiness, love, and success. It will take you inside the mind of God.
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